Usually I do a post about the Fangs & Halos series. But something wonderful is happening this weekend and I want to share that with all you great readers
In the books, I have written in a Shetland Sheepdog named Lancelot. I did that because we love Shelties and have 2 who have been part of our family. I like to spread Sheltie love, they’re great dogs.

This is a special time in our famiy. It’s puppy Sullivan pre-24 hours! We pick up my pretty bi-black Shetland Sheepdog puppy tomorrow about this time. The breeder has said he’s got a great personality and is quite a character.

We miss our younger, tri-color Sheltie, Rhi as much as anyone could ever miss someone who was your love and companion. None of us, Bruce or I, nor Isis (her older Sheltie sister) have gotten over not having her here with us. Isis still calls her in when we do “peanut butter puppy time,” she thinks her sister will come in for that. Tears me up every time.
We just need a second Sheltie to join our little happy family and so we found Sullivan. He’s a puppy out of a championship line, important for health and breeding. We’re not showing (I don’t think…) but he’s a brother for Isis and another hug for me.

And, in a very happy coincidence, we found him in Oklahoma and he was born on September 22, the day Rhi went to play in heaven.That sealed it for us, he was meant to be ours.
So, I’ll get pictures and share with everyone as Bruce, Isis, and I go to pick up the newest of our family: Symphany’s Blackhawk Sullivan, Sully for short. And yes, he’s named for both my maternal grandfather, Sullivan Coan, and my angel-turned-vampire character Sullivan from the Fangs & Halos series.