It’s a new year and the new decade. We’re looking at all the things coming up in our lives.
And so are the Fangs & Halos gang. What’s the future for our angels, vampires, and the demons?
So, being the author, I had to ask each of them what they wanted out of this next year. And they had answers.
Jean Lafitte – I want to see Marcus Lancaster figure out what the hell he really wants out of life. He’s got to realize that the way he’s going, he’s going to fail. As for me, just living, loving, and maybe going back to make movies; nothing really tough.

Reba – I’m looking forward to Lilly’s baby being born. It’s been a long time since I held a small baby and I’m already in love with this one. And for Lilly to be happy.
Dr. Young – I will be looking for another suitable position somewhere. I can’t work for Lancaster any longer, not after what I’ve seen. A nice, calm emergency department where the action is dependable.

Xun, Head of the Council – I’m looking forward to getting the vote final and getting rid of House Dracenfeure and that problem, Marcus Lancaster. I don’t even want to preserve the seat for any of the other members of the house; any group that would have Lancaster as part of their members isn’t worth keeping around.
Vlad – I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to keep my quiet retired life. Things with Marcus are heating up and I don’t want to turn the House over to him. I’m older, and male, so I can take the seat.

Nida – I want to see all the vampires in Hell. We shouldn’t leave one out, no matter what Mikhail thinks, none of them are good, they’re all evil.
Helmut – I want a new assignment. Escorting and protecting Nida is becoming a problem; I’m not sure she’s doing the work correctly.

Lucy — I want to get out of here, back into Heaven. Let Lillith run the zone. It’s all going to happen once my dear twin brother, Mikhail, steps out of his life.
Lillith – I can rule Hell. It’s not hard. And I would just as soon lock Lucy up than let her escape. My wish should be granted, I deserve it.

“Stan” I’m just good, let me run the vampire wing. I’ve already built a legend with the humans, I need fresh…blood. Hahahaha, get the joke? Good one, huh.
Mikhail – There’s a lot that has to come together this year to bring about the plans I’ve had all along. I am wanting everything to go well so we put an end to several things I’ve had to fight against for centuries. How’s that for vague speaking?

Essex – I want to be an angel again. Not that that’s going to happen. I may just end things to skip all the vampire anguish and get over it all.
Sullivan – I want Lilly. All I’ve ever wanted is to be with Lilly and make her happy. If God really answers petitions, this year should be my year. I hope.

Sethiel – I don’t know what I want this year. My friends are both vampires, maybe get them back to being angels? No, I don’t want to be a vampire, I’ve dealt with too many of them as an Enforcer so I will skip the whole fangs and blood thing. I honestly have no idea for this year.
Gregory – So much is new, I have no idea what to wish for. I do want Lilly to be safe and have this baby without trouble. Maybe we can settle down and I can take care of her and the baby. I could see that being a good thing this year.

Isobel – I want to forget that I even knew Marcus Lancaster. I’m not sure he’s going to allow that, though. I have to get Lilly safely away and keep that baby in the womb long enough to survive the birth and grow. Then I’ll play Auntie Izzy and spoil the hell out of her. Yes, that baby’s a girl, I just know it.
Jesse — Can we just stop all the angst and anguish and allow me a chance to figure out what I want from Marcus. I know I should be angry as hell about being turned but I can’t be that angry at Marcus. We need to work this out and figure out what we want. I don’t have any idea past that.

Marcus – Is it possible to just not have the excitement of last year? No Council drama, no drama from that damned pirate. Just a new start and killing Nelson Mishkoph and Lilly Marchantel. I won’t be made a target again. Believe it.
Lilly – I want the baby to be healthy. I don’t want to share her with Marcus; he’s evil to the core. A nice small house with a nursery for the baby, a job where I can make my own way in the world and take care of myself, the baby, and Baron.

Baron – I want to be left alone. Be with Lilly. Figure out what this kitten she’s having is going to be like. And find a few girl kitties to play with wherever we end up, just away from that evil son-of-a-bitch Lancaster. And rats. Lots of tasty, tasty rats.