So, I turn my back and Baron finds a way to dictate a new Facebook post. I’m sharing it here for you to read, he’s fun.
Also, I am posting for the first time in a while, I’ve been under the weather (NOT theĀ Corona virus) and just trying to keep awake.
So, here’s Baron.
OKAY people, this is getting out of hand, or paw if you are me. There’s this virus (virginal us?) and they are telling everyone to stay in and wash.
I’m quite good at washing myself, thank you.
And the news is scaring the hell out of Lilly. They keep telling her it’s okay, we’re not going out right now, but she’s being upset.

Today was the last straw. She grabbed me and put me into the water in the bathtub and used soap on my fur. WATER AND SOAP. Can you imagine me being dunked and lathered up, TWICE. She’s saying it’s okay, now
I won’t have the virus but damn it, WATER AND SOAP!!!!!
Do you have any idea what that’s going to taste like when I have to go back and re-clean myself?
She’s upset that I’m under the bed. FAR under the bed. Any hands, feet, or items put under to find me are getting my fiercest growl and, if they continue, treated to a nice, bloody slap. Like pulling back stumps if I can manage it. I am NOT coming out of here until this is over. Just not in the mood for SOAP AND WATER!!!

Grrrrrr. Hissssssssssss.
I don’t know if it would have been any different if Isobel and Gregory were here, or Reba. They had to go somewhere and left me to deal with Ms. Bathing Beauty. I might try to sneak out during the day when Lilly is asleep but that’s when the others are awake. They may be in on it.

So, I’m staying right here. I need food, a nice tasty rat would be great. And as for litter boxing…well, if I can’t get out, someone is gonna get to clean up under the bed….once I’m allowed to live without WATER AND SOAP.

Note: Baron is making light of it but the coronavirus nothing to play with. If you feel sick AT ALL, stay home. Wash your hands often, avoid touching your face/ears/nose/mouth and don’t shake hands, hugs, etc. Be safe and, like Baron said, wash your hands with WATER AND SOAP!
He’ll get over himself, eventually.