Like so many of you, I’m stuck at home with this whole Covid-19/CoronaVirus thing. My husband and I are in the “high risk” category so going out is just a big “nope” at the moment.
Hubby’s working from home until at least April 30, but luckily he does that normally 3 times a week anyway so it’s not too much of a disruption.

Bruce went to get a few things. Hamburger, paper towels, and even toilet paper were on our list. The toilet paper wouldn’t be such a problem but our new puppy grabbed ½ of our stash and shredded it all over our floor.
That left us with one roll. And that necessitated the run to the hospital. He managed to grab the last package of toilet paper on the shelf and got lucky that the stocker brought out new hamburger meat. So, he bought me beefcake.
I’m the bored panda around here. There’s only so much I can write until I get brain-lock. I will then go over to play World of Warcraft and kill tentacle monsters until that gets boring. After that is coloring like a kid, watching TV (We watched all of The Expanse and Good Omens this last week), and then reading some.

So, I know if I’m bored, some of you guys are also bored. And possibly broke too.

One fall-out from this whole virus thing is people are getting laid off as their company has to close until this is over. Which puts a big strain on finances. Which leads to stress. So that boredom sets in with a big layer of depression as well.
This occurred to me early in the discussion of the virus arriving here. In 2010 I got sick and had to quit work and school. Which put me at home all the time. About 3 years ago, my husband was out of work for almost a full year. It was brutal, he is the only bread winner here because I can’t work.
What saved my sanity then was writing, coloring, playing WoW, and reading. Which means needing books. Yeah, I have about 2500 books in this house, have read probably 80% of them, but you may be like me and say “But those aren’t want I want right now, I want new things.

So I’ve joined with in their Authors Give Back event. My ebooks, all 4 of them, are up there for FREE until the end of April. Many other authors joined at either free or really reduced cost on their ebooks.
So join me for spending this time reading, pop over to Smashwords and pick up my books and a few other authors and spend your time in some fantasy land, far away from wandering viruses in the real world.