You’ve Been Locked Down.
Please Change All Passwords to Prevent This. Address is 125.44.642323.3232345.23435. Origination: RU… Name: Sergei Nazahacksalot
UPDATE: We DID get hit. Some lousy jerk in San Francisco used Door Dash and spent the main account down to $12.00, taking 50.27 out for their food. Jerks.
So, instead of being in raid with my World of Warcraft guild, I’m spending hours changing every password I own. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I woke up to this in my email on Monday. Yes, it was just an attempt. No, it wasn’t completed. Yes, to say I’m pissed off about it is probably an understatement.

I’m usually VERY careful with things. If I get a link, I research it before clicking. If I have any doubt about the authenticity, I don’t click, I go to the site itself to check it. I assume everything’s a scam/bad link/malware/horrid stuff.
I know about the scams. How the Nigerian Prince has a million dollars he needs to get out of the country and I am the one he chose to ask for help. I know that the bank doesn’t send emails to change passwords without explanation. And if I get something like this Paypal email, I’m suspicious enough to not click on the link, I go into Paypal and do what needs doing.

So, in light of Sergei’s attempt to walk his fingers through my computer, I’m changing all my passwords.
And Gawds, I have a LOT of passwords.
I have a small notebook I keep all of it in. I’m going through the entire thing and changing the passwords.
This means that I also have to deal with
- Number of letters
- Number of numbers
- Capital Letters
- Lower Case Letters
- Symbols
- Fingerprints
- Password Certifications from the Password Gods
- Permissions, signed in triplicate from my parents and/or guardian
Needless to say, I think my head is going to explode.

This leads up to the proverbial “you can’t use the same password or an old password.”
That leads to “how the heck do I come up with a new one?
And that leads to “well, I can type out a bunch and copy/paste for accuracy.”
“Your passwords don’t match.
Password is too long
Password needs to have a symbol.
HERE is your symbol……

This has been a freaking nightmare. I’m still working on the B’s in my book. Only 24 more letters to go….
I may be finished by next December.
I hope Sergei is happy, wherever he is.
I hope he’s in Siberia.
In snow. Without a heater.
Maybe even getting a bit sick from the virus he’s been playing with. I wish you could send Covid by email…I know who I would send it to.

As for Covid, we’re still not sick. Hoping we miss this whole thing. But I’m tired of being home all the time.
How are YOU doing during this lockdown? Have you ever had to deal with a hacker? Tell me your horror stories and I’ll commiserate with you.