So, things have been going on. Mischief is, indeed, afoot.
I have Book 5 totally finished. It’s going to be released on June 28 unless something big happens.

Of course, your favorite characters are back. We’re picking up right where we left off.
You’ll be seeing Baron, Lilly, Marcus, Jesse, Eadwina and Mitch, Isobel and Reba, Gregory, Jean, Essex, Sethiel, and Mikhail.

And, we’re leaving the United States. At least a few are. And it’s a HUGE secret where we’re going and who we’re going to see.
But here’s a big old hint. If you can figure it out, anyway. The first person who comments on this post and gets the right answer will win all 5 books in ebook form. The entire series (so far).
Ready for your hint?
43.691946 – 39.857840 Good Luck
And another big hint as to who you are going to meet in Infernal Aftershocks. The picture is of his family but he was dead when it was taken…. or was he? And yes, it is a He, he’s a contemporary of Queen Victoria of Great Britain. While he wasn’t a member of any royal family, he was received in many of the royal’s homes.