1900—Storyville, New Orleans—In Mahogany Hall, the famous brothel on Basin Street, Lilly Marchantel goes to bed with a client and is found dead. She’s buried in a crypt in St. Louis 1 Cemetery. The client, Marcus Lancaster catches a boat headed out of town.
2005—New Orleans—In the wake of Hurricane Katrina the angels answer the call for help and one, an Enforcer angel named Sullivan is sent to find two vampires who haven’t been given the rules.
Because all vampires go to Hell eventually.
How much trouble can an angel get into in a drown city? Could that beautiful young woman he was sent to talk to be as innocent and unworldly as she appears to be?
And what’s up with her cat?
The first book in the Fangs & Halos series, Lilly’s Angel brings the worlds of Heaven and Earth together setting up a collision course between the angels and the vampires.